Accommodation in Employment for Persons with Disabilities

Topic: Employees, Employment and Workplace
Approval Authority: President

Description: Establishes York's commitment to a barrier-free workplace; applies to students, faculty and staff; Has associated procedure


York University is committed to working towards a barrier-free workplace and to expanding the accessibility of the workplace to persons with disabilities.

Accordingly, York will attempt to accommodate both employees and position applicants with disabilities in a way which respects their dignity, is equitable and which enhances their ability to compete for positions, perform their work and fully participate in employment at York.

It is the University's intention that accommodation will be provided both individually (to meet the specific needs of individuals), and systemically (toward the goal of making the University as a whole more accessible to employees with disabilities).

Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, and as a minimum, the University will attempt to provide such accommodation as will enable the position applicant to proceed equitably through the application process and will enable the employee to perform the essential duties of the position.

The nature and level of accommodation to be provided, and the implementation of the University's commitment to such accommodation for both employees and prospective employees, will be determined in accordance with guidelines and procedures established from time to time by the Vice President, Finance & Administration.

Legislative History: Approved by UEC 1994/05/26; Revised 1999/11/30; Date Effective: 1994/05/26